Rachelle Krieger
For Rachelle Krieger, nature is a source of visual, emotional, and spiritual inspiration. Krieger’s large, abstract compositions are often painted en plein-air and reflect the visual and emotional experience of the “rambling, unplanned, chaotic nature of the landscape.” Other pieces are completed in the studio, using smaller oil and watercolor sketches as inspiration.
Krieger received a BFA from The Pratt Institute in 1989. She has also studied at the New York Studio School and the Art Students League in New York City. She lives and works in Port Washington, NY.
Krieger received a BFA from The Pratt Institute in 1989. She has also studied at the New York Studio School and the Art Students League in New York City. She lives and works in Port Washington, NY.

Rachelle Krieger, Stirring Dull Roots with Spring Rain (II) (2010), Oil on Canvas, 44 x 80 inches

Rachelle Krieger, Night Blooms (2020), Acrylic, flashe, oilbar and oil on linen, 18 x 14 inches