Respite and Renewal: Inside and Out
Online Exclusive
Online Exclusive Exhibition
Our homes are rural, suburban and urban. Time spent in and around them present our daily life patterns while containing greater meaning we often forget. They are places to rest, share and create. We convene with family and friends marking celebrations and engaging our minds. Within these dwellings reliable escape hatches from the world exist in quiet rooms, garages and backyards. The home heeds our call for respite and renewal.
The artworks comprising this exhibition reflect the many desires, feelings and activities in the places we live, both shared and in solitude. They bridge the familiar and ephemeral, reminding us of our reliance on the places we inhabit every day.
Curated by James Isherwood
Participating Artists: Angela A'Court, Seongmin Ahn, Caroline Blum, Heather Boose Weiss, Karin Bruckner, Charles Buckley, Rachel Burgess, Michael Eade, Carole Eisner, Lisa Fellerson, Amber George, Allison Green, Charlotta María Hauksdóttir, Francie Hester, Jessica M. Kaufman, Rachelle Krieger, Emily LaCour, Chase Langford, Kim Luttrell, Danelle Manthey, Emily Miraglia, Carolyn Monastra, Nazanin Noroozi, Leah Oates, Kathy Osborn, Maria Passarotti, Lisa Pressman, Alicia Rothman, Ruth Shively, Liz Rundorff Smith and Fumiko Toda