Carolyn Monastra, Congregation (2001), C-Print
The Haunting
Narratives by Fernando Molero & Carolyn Monastra
November 11, 2009 – January 3, 2010 | Opening Reception: November 11, 2009
Fernando MoleroNYC
Molero draws from his childhood memories of Granada, Spain, filtered through his experiences living in Europe and the US. Molero sets many of his paintings in an imagined place he calls Buveria, rendered through a subtle and masterful application of paint to bring out gradations of color and light. These works reveal hints of the architectural ruins of southern Spain in the background, with romanticized characters in the foreground, beckoning us to enter these supernatural spaces.
Carolyn Monastra
Monastra weaves narratives from a combination of fictional stories, classic fairy tales and observations of the landscapes of the artist residencies she has participated in throughout the American northeast and, most recently, in Iceland. Like Molero's paintings, Monastra populates many of her photographs with lone figures. These characters are pensive, surprised and often in awe of their surroundings. And sometimes, they display a whimsy that belies their haunted qualities.
Carolyn Monastra